Monday, April 11, 2011

comments 44

In your project you asked questions about things that we haven't learned about so your really making this your own project which is part of the reason I was so interested. You used a source that was close to you to find out about something that not many people know about which is adopting over seas. The only thing I knew was about celebrities that have done that. Something that particularly interested me was that one of the main reasons of adopting was that there was a lawyer involved. With out that connection do you think they still would have your friend? I also never knew how hard adopting may be, you would think that with so many kids who dont have parents it would be an easy process. This matters to me because I've met many people over the years who have been adopted and I never really asked about it to much. 
I've thought about this topic a lot as well and I like how you've decided to use this. You talked about what an OBGYN actually is cause we know briefly what it was but if this is really "the enemy" in most cases then its important to know your enemy. I always really think about how does this fit in the whole society, like how it fits in this larger puzzle. This chart partly shows that by showing the salary. At first we may just think oh a lot of people must want that job because it has such a high salary but a higher salary means that more money gets to the government and the big cooperation's which continues to help build the industrial atrocities we all have been learning about.

I really enjoyed reading your wall post. It was very interesting and we didn't get much of a chance to talk about abortion in class. I like how you interviewed somebody who had one giving us a first hand look at what an abortion may be like. You asked all the questions that would have came to my mind so I liked having my questions answered. It's interesting how just the thought of a fathers facial expression could totally change somebody's mind in a huge choice like that.
Keep up the good work.

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