Stephen- I think that it was very smart how you started by compairing people who had one kid to those who have given birth more then once. Its interesting how people shun the 17 year old was shuned. You would think that she would get more attention and help because shes so young. Its very nice to here about Brooks son. That is a huge choice to make and to know your baby might come out with problems may very well be a good reason to get an abortion, but since hes normal it shows that there is a chance and one may be depriving a perfectly fine baby of life. I would like to here more on how brook was scared she could die. Its a bit funny and typical for the guys to mention the mood swings. What did the guys have to say about the mood swings?
Beatrice-it seems that in our culture the immediate thought is to go to the hospital as if there were something wrong. did you think to ask the mother whether she ever considered a home birth, as it seems from your story that she was fairly relaxed about the procedure. i like the way you told the story in a nostalgic way, as its a more interesting format to read rather than just informing the reader. although obviously it is procedure and routine to take the baby away it seems strange that immediately after birth the baby gets taken off you. we recently read something in class that talked about the 'sewing up.' this is because they make an incision between the vagina and the anus so that its easier for the mother to give birth. also i think they have recently gotten rid of the stirrups but woman are still more likely to be in the laying down legs up position. also- a vaccum extractor?!!
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